Investment form

Investment forms are developed for the planning and reporting of the coming years’ investments (or projects). The forms are made to meet the recommendations of the finnish public administrator (JHS), concerning planning and reporting for municipalities and their federations. The investment form in Tabella follows the current budget year. In the form, the previous budget year, current budget year and next four years is shown.


While planning investments, it must be noticed, that investment form is not the same as investment registry. Only those investments, which are being planned, or investments not been activated yet, should be entered to the form. All depreciations for the activated investments, must be transferred to Tabella.

Example, investment form:

Esimerkki investointilomakkeesta

Investment form, columns explained:

Cost center

Cost center, to which the investment is directed.

Project number

The project number defined for the investment. If there are no number, Tabella will generate temporary project code automatically, beginning with letter T. The name will be project’s name.

Projects name

Name corresponding to project number.

Investment definition

Free text field, to write more information about investment.

Budget year colmns

The investment expenditure is entered to the respective budget year column.

Investment income

If the investment generates income, the account into which it is being targeted, is marked here.

Income years -columns

The planned investment income is entered to the respective income year.

Investment class

Class name. Investment class, which the System Admin has defined. Investment class contains profit/loss and balance accounts, needed for the depreciation calculations and depreciation periods, either as straight-line deprcetions, or as acquisition cost.

Depreciation start

The period when the planned investment will be activated, and when the depreciation will start.

Unfinished investments

Optional text field.