Saving time period’s main version

The function can be used to save the current main version of all periods: forecast, budget and long range plan.


  • Can be used in the Tabella Cloud environment only.


The main version is saved for all companies.

Main version is saved for all forecast years (forecast lenght). If the main version is to be saved for the current forecast year only, then in the Version management option: Version is limited to the current year, for the saved version, must be selected.

Budget -budget year’s main version is saved.

The saved version can be utilized in column models, and appears, for example, in the Reporting area’s browsing: Columns | Other forecasts / budgets.

By default, the version is only visible to the System Admin. Version is not included in the report run -report run control is set to “No”. Version’s name is the saving time, which can be changed if necessary.
