Company list maintenance


The list of companies includes all companies in the system, that can be found in the Content menu.


  • In the company list, the location of the company can be changed by drag & drop. This order is used through the Tabella, in all company menus.

  • NOTE! With the exception of Special Reports, which are arranged automatically to their own group in the Content menu.

Maintain company list.

Select company from the list.


Name of the company -modify company name.

Company VAT ID -can be utilized with certain interfaces.

Text of unit (cost center) -define text for the cost center to be used in the company’s tree structure maintenance.

Text of units total - define the text used in units’ total.

Code in FlatFile -company code used when data is read in to the system. If the company code differs from the code in the incoming FlatFile, the code should be entered in this column.

Code of company total -company code, which is used to calculate the A00 -Total sum of company.

Chart Of Accounts -if several chart of accounts are in use, the company’s chart of account is selected from the drop-down menu.

Currency -select currency. The list contains all defined currencies. Option Several currencies enables to define a currency that differs by cost center. Selection opens the “Own currency” column in company’s tree structure maintenance, to the List of units tab. Currency for the cost center is selected using right mouse menu.

Default used in data entry:

Data entry decimal -select from the drop-down menu.

Data entry unit -select from the drop-down menu.


  • data entry unit does not apply to the actual data entry, where the unit is allways “one”.

Entry defaul distribution key -if needed, define default distribution key for the selected company. Selection applies to budget and forecast entry. Selected distribution key is in force only for empty rows -no data- in entry. That is, if the rows has data already, distribution key defined here, does not affect them. Make the selection from the drop-down menu.

The default key is saved in entry, and remains visible in the distribtion key column.

First month of the financial year (01) -if the financial year differs from other companies and system default, the first month of the financial year is chosen.


Do not change the current first month. If there is a need for change, contact your system support.

Own Basic unit library -if checked, the company has own report unit library. Recommended to be used, if there are more than 20 companies.

Excluded from A00 -if checked, the company is not included in A00 level -Total sum of all companies.

If Tabella GC and / or a Payroll company is in use, these must be excluded from the A00 summary. Similarly, for example, if there is a sales company with salesmen and customers, it must be excluded from the A00 summary.

If companies are using different chart of accounts, it is not recommended to include them in the same A00 summary.

The summary is created from the companies’ primary hierarchy - in the tree structure maintenance, the first column: L1.

Activate project calculation model - project calculation model, requires separate license.

Internal purchases are generated by counter center - if the counter company and counter cost center has been defined as dimension for the company, the internal purchases can be automatically generated, based on seller’s entries, to the buyer’s purchase accounts. A new column is added in the chart of accounts, which is used to steer purchase accounts to correspond with internal sales account.

Use counterpart eliminations -checked if the company is using counterpart eliminations. Used in Tabella GC, which is value added product. Can not be selected for Salary company.

Accept and save changes by pressing OK. Write a short comment on changes made. Comment can be seen in the Log.