Salary company’s tree structure

Salary company is a value-added product for Tabella’s Human resources management planning, thus not in use in all systems.

List of units tab contains list of personnel.

Maintenance of the salary company’s tree structures, for example adding new structure, is done in the same way as in the main company.

Compared to cost center maintenance, the salary company maintenance has few additional columns: Allocation cc, “Project” (dimension) and Allocation table.

Each employee, from the List of units tab, is attached either directly to a cost center, marked in the Allocation CC -column, or the distribution is done according to defined Allocation table, which contains allocation ratios. Allocation table is selected by using right mouse menu.

Allocation tables are created and maintained in the Report section: Maintenance of allocation tables | Salary company

If dimensions are in use, for example Project, the salary can be distributed according to them also. The distribution is made directly to a project, marked in the project column, or alternatively project distribution table is used, to define salary distributions to Projects.
