Forecast lenght

The purpose is to define monthly forecast’s length in years. The chosen lenght comes into force for all forecast version.


The forecast years and versions are shown in menus. For example, when moving on to modify forecast data.

In the example the selected forecast lenght is current year (2019) + 1. Forecast has one version, in addition to the main version, defined in the forecast version management.


There is no data for new forecast years created by forecast length increase. Copy the data for the forecast year, for example, by using Forecast creation or Forecast data modification

Forecast lenght vs. Rolling forecast

If Rolling forecast (rolling column sets) is in use, then it has to be ensured, that the forecast lenght is sufficient, so all rolling columns fit inside the forecast period.

For example, the rolling forecast consists of three six months column sets, but the forecast length is only current year +1. If so, all rolling column sets does not fit into forecast lenght. That’s why the forecast length has to be increased to current year +2, in order to include the rolling columns in the forecast.