Voucher entry, voucher type maintenance,

To move on to voucher entry press, Data entry, choose Voucher entry | Voucher type.

Use voucher to enter corrections to the selected time period, for example budget.

The data entered by using vouchers’ is treated as manually entered data in general, thus it takes part in allocations, budget creation, opening balances and in other calculations. Entered vouchers can be seen in transaction report.

The list contains all voucher types in use. Choose one.

The System Admin maintains voucher types in use. How to take new voucher type in use is explained below.

Chosen voucher type is locked for the user. Other voucher types are being kept open for entry.

To add a new voucher to the existing type, right click the row text, and choose New voucher. The voucher number is generated automatically. Enter voucher’s name


Use right mouse menu, or write values directly to the voucher’s columns. Determine: Company, Account, Center and/or any additional dimension, for example Project. Enter the amount, and choose the reporting month from the drop-down menu.The menu contains periods, which are defined to be used in this vouher type.

Other columns:


Selected voucher type

Tabella voucher

Voucher number


Voucher can be closed by right clicking its row text

Date when entered

Time when entered

Entered by

User entered voucher, user-id

On Entry -tab, the right mouse menu on the row text enables voucher modifications. For example, to add new rows to voucher, and close the voucher.


  • Closed voucher can not be re-opened


The summaries tab shows all entered vouchers. If the voucher is hidden, (Entry-tab, right mouse menu Hide this voucher) only the sum of the voucher is shown in the Summaries tab.

Use right mouse menu on row text, to define the order of the subtotals.

Change voucher type

Change -if there are several voucher types in use, choose another type, if needed. Press Change -button and selected voucher.


Voucher type maintenance, System Admin

The voucher type maintenance, defining new types, for example, is done in maintenance area. Choose Other | Maintain Tabella voucher types.

The list shows defined vouchers types. Voucher type is in use (Yes), or it is not (No).

To define new voucher type in use. Right click the row text. Put mark in the tickbox Voucher type is in use. Voucher type is in force in all row models.

Define text to the voucher type. Select in which category voucher is in force. The selected period defines, which period(s) are avalaible, when choosing reporting month in voucher entry. Actual (A), forecast (F) budget (B) or Free -all periods.

Enable the voucher type, put mark in the tickbox Voucher type is in use. To disable, remove the marking.

Own column

At the end of the voucher type list, there is a possibility to add user’s own column to voucher. Scroll down the list, right click the row text and define column. Write the text, and put mark to tickbox This column is in use.

The column is shown in the voucher entry, in the Entry tab.