Organisation views


Organisational view refers to a sample of units, with modified, lines, colors, etc. The order is freely user definable. The organization view is created in the same way as the view for the row model, in the chart of account maintenance.

List of units

View is created by entering e.g. number (1) to the units to be included to the view. Next, press the Views -button. Choose the view from the list, and define its name.


The summary of the selected units is displayed. Return back to editing mode by pressing Ready.

Delete organisation view

Delete view by deleting the numbers (units) from the view’s column. Press the Save -button.

Exit maintenance and save changes made.

The usage of the organisation views

Organisation views can be utilized, for example when making column or row reports. Remember to choose tree level containing units selected to the view. In reports, chart captions come from texts in the organization view, not from accounts and cost centers, so called, short texts


Organisation view in Tabella GC

Tabella GC organisation view (GC sheet) is formed only from companies in GC structure. It is not allowed to select other units from different companies in the view.